Office of the Academic Vice President
To address the issue of students who should be on QPI hold but were not blocked by the system from enrolling this Summer of 2024, the Office of the Academic Vice President (OAVP) requests that the MIS office provide a list of students whose yearly QPI did not meet the retention requirements: 1.60 or higher for first-year, 1.80 or higher for second-year, and 2.0 or higher for third and final year.
Regardless of these students' summer enrollment status, the OAVP asks MIS to place them on QPI and registration holds for the first semester of SY 2024-2025 until they receive clearance to enroll from the OAVP.
Department chairs are asked to verify and confirm the MIS list and email the students their status. Additionally, department chairs should immediately instruct their students to apply for a QPI Appeal through the SIS portal no later than July 15, 2024, and remind them that failure to complete this process may affect their enrollment eligibility for SY 2024-2025.